It's absolutely pouring outside, and it's probably one of the worst thunderstorms I've seen all summer.
Yet my slummy neighbours continue to stand underneath a patio umbrella and shriek like the door (and some shelter) isn't like 10 feet away.
Now: Newgrounds.
I've become self aware at how little I notice post count any more. I used to never respect low post counts, but I'm starting to see myself read every post and how sometimes people with a lot of posts make a lot of shitty ones.
So, hopefully I'll keep this in mind next time I press "Post this" and make it worthwhile. Or at least funny.
EDIT : On a side note, I think I'm gonna use this blog as a personal book log. I've seen a couple topics about people not reading enough so hopefully if you glance upon this and see some of the things I've read you might become interested.