So.... PAICE!
At least until I get bored and come back in a few weeks. I have no time for such foolishness right now.
Wait, what am I thinking....This means I'll have more time than ever for Newgrounds!
I'm gonna start doing sit-ups when I post again. I'm pretty sure I was the inspiration for the original NG workout that was around last year.
I'll try to include pictures whenever I feel like it.
Are you studying Aeronautical or Astronomical Engineering?
Engineering Physics. It's a fairly unique program only offered at a couple universities right now. The wikipedia article on engineering physics I feel unfairly references science as it relates to my degree, but I feel it tarnishes the reputation of my program as a non-professional degree.
After completing my second year I can stream into Nuclear Physics, Photonics, or Micro and Nano-Devices here at my school, but I've chosen the 'interdisciplinary' stream, which means I take the core courses from each of the three, but then get to choose the rest of my technical electives regardless of what stream they're in.
I'll use most of my electives to take Photonics and Nuclear classes, as I would have chosen to stream in either one of those but couldn't decide. Micro and Nano sounds cool but after taking and introductory course it's not 100% my style.