I found myself at work using a weed-whacker, when there were all sorts of trails in the grass. I started to cut the grass and I saw a vole come scurrying away.
I felt bad for destroying his home, so I did what he probably wanted the least, and grabbed him. I continued to grab him and then have him jump away for like 3-4 minutes until he got tuckered out.
Once he was tired, he seemed to relax. I could keep him in my closed hands without him struggling, and eventually the little guy stopped huffing and puffing and started to crawl around on me and explore!
When I put my hand near the ground again, he kindof looked around for a few seconds, crawled off slowly, and then waddled towards his (now somewhat destroyed) house while glancing back sort of curiously at me.
I think I'm gonna go back tomorrow and see if he remembers me.
is that you in those pictures?